My Field of Study

I decided to go into the field of psychology. I have been employed at my job through a state agency since 1998. My job requires me to help people with special needs and overcome difficult task. I already work in the field to help people with mental and emotionally disturbed issues. I graduate in May 2014 with my associate’s degree. I could have graduated this semester if I could have taken Enviromental Science. Due to the bookstore notifying me off not being able to back order a book when it was to late, cost me another semester at MCC. I feel good about the program I chose to major in. The best surprise is how widely this field is. Yes, I would recommend this program to someone else. Psychology is all around us. I attended Navarro College at first. But, overall I am very satisfied with MCC. The teaching techniques are different and it makes learning better for me.  I would change the hours I take each semester. Also split my classes up. Don’t take certain classes which requires a lot of reading and writing. I would take many classes as I could online so I wouldn’t have to drive 40 miles. The three things in my program I would not change is my major. I would still attend MCC> This is a good college. Last, My instructor’s. I would take the same one’s.

MWA #3 Controversial Topic Essay Postmortem

I used the Web to gather information on my topic. I found my outside sources from reading through articles and on the internet. I struggled with producing my work cited page. I didn’t understand some of the heading on my paper. I had a little confusion with locating the Authors’ name and the day it was published.

I started working on my assignment a little bit over a week ago. I completed the assignment on the due date which is today. On this particular assignment I was allowed plenty of time to gather my sources and strategies my essay. It was a lot of reading . It took me about 4 hours to complete my essay once it was written. I proofread it after it was printed. That was not a very good idea.. Since I printed my paper on campus, I failed to have someone else to proofread it. I chose my sources very carefully. After reading through all of my material I printed out, I began making notes on what goes where. Including my introduction, summary, and last the conclusion. This is my first semester of writing major papers. The more papers assigned, the more I am comfortable with  writing them. This class is a very useful subject. We not only learn about English, we write about it.  I am looking forward to the final major writing assignment. I would gather more sources and be specific on what to use. Writing assignments can be confusing. From my personal experience the more time you allow yourself to have to complete this assignment, the better off you will be. If a person rushes through, the mistakes will show in the paper. The only thing I would do the same is allow my self to gather enough sources  and read through them. The only advice I would give someone attempting this assignment is follow instructions, and use the writing lab for help if needed.

Critique 2

I made several of changes since last Thursday on my critique assignment. For starters,  my literature. I also made some changes on my introduction and my summary. This time I made sure to support the claims that was given by Professor Menand. Reading my classmates paper gave me some ideas on how to approach certain topics. It helped me focus on different views that was considered and how it was supported.  My summary was not complete. I also reworded my sentences.  After submitting my paper to Smartthinking, they addressed the essay by giving feedback on my introduction, summary. I failed to consider what all 3 theories believed.  I did not fully explain what was meant by “Decline in Motivation”. Last, I based my conclusion from my view. Im not exactly sure how long it took to get feedback from Smartthinking. Yes, I corrected what was addressed. I found everything usefully. More feedback you get, the better you can focus on the structure of your paper.

Critique 2

Critique assignment 2 was more interesting than the Stephen King essay. This essay reflects on society and what they expect out of college majors. I began this assignment on 11/5/2013.I completed this assignment right before class on the due date. I allowed my self to only focus on this paper and understand just what the critique was about. I read over this article twice before I began taking notes and writing a draft copy. The more I read over certain paragraphs the better I understood the main points in the essay. I started off with a rough draft and for my detailed  summary I started focusing on main key points in each paragraph. I wrote down the main idea of each section. The points I focused on were the outlook society had on students and what they should be instead of what they really are.  I believe everyone should be given a fair chance of education. Society did not give some students a fair chance to succeed. They judged the students from their background. If they came from parents who attend colleges such as Harvard and Yale, they were most likely to get their money worth. Society also believed after World War 1 and World War 2 was the start for a down fall.  First were the veterans attending school off of their G.I bill. Later were the baby boomers . Next college opened up for everyone including different races and ethnics. I wouldn’t do anything different about this critique assignment. I would make sure to read the essay until I fully understood it and write down key points to help me create a rough draft. My advice for someone attempting to do this assignment for the first time is to read, read, read. The more you read the assignment the better you will understand exactly what to write your critique paper about. Understand the different views the author give and also focus on the opposite theories that’s in the essay.

Postmortems Writing Assignment 2 Advertisement

The first writing assignment was based off of a movie genre about horror.  We had to explain the reason these movies kept our attraction. This writing assignment 2 was about advertisement. There’s so many ways to catch a crowds attention. It could be a slogan, poster, graph, commercial or even by radio. I started the assignment  about a week ago and completed it today.  The first critique I was under pressure and did not accomplish what I should have for that time period. On this exercise, I had enough time to view my sources and understand which one I wanted to use for my essay. For my sources I used the internet. The hardest part was reading through all of the information and deciding what to gather up for this essay. The easiest part was describing the materials(slogans, pictures, paintings) for the essay and also my work citied page. This time I proofread my paper without the opinion of someone else. I live in Mexia, and with all of this bad weather I decided to drive to the college  a few hours early before class to attend the writing lab. After my essay was complete I asked for help to set my margins and complete a footer.  I have a few things I would do differently on my next writing assignment. To start off I will have to print out more sources and take more time out to review and understand which source is more informative. I have the right idea of a perfect essay but when I began the assignment I confuse myself by debating on the what if’s. I would certainly ask for help and understand the assignment before I leave out of the classroom. The advice I have for some one assigned an essay for homework is pay attention to the key points of how to construct it and allow yourself enough time to decide what web site you need to use and read more.

Sexual Assault Public Service Announcements

The attention getter are the words. The audience are both women and men. The information provided about rape or assault is what the person goes through and how it makes the person feel. It reaches out to those that are silent.

Athletic shoe ads

This ad about Adidas shoes draws my attention in many ways. People in general are the target for this product. These are high in performance shoes. It convince the audience by the quality of the show. This shoes has snails inside of them, get swept off the sidewalk and get back up and continue to run. Adidas shoes is a familiar and popular well known brand. The advertiser chose color and large objects. All large objects the shoes pass by were bright bold colors.

Gaming console ads

This commercial advertise a game that was popular in 1972.


Bandaid ads

The ad gets my attention by the music. The woman washing dishes with long nails, and the different colors of the bandaids. The bandaid commercials has change over the years. The commercials all demonstrate how strong the brand of the bandaid are. From washing dishes to lifting a boiling egg. It tries to convince the audience by strength and also by using children in their commercials. The name is Johnson and Johnson & Family.

Major writing assignment postmortem

This assignment compared to our first critique assignment by searching of the horror movie genre. My report was on horror vampire films. The difference was the persuading the audience to considering Twilight a horror film although it was fulfilled with romance and fantasy. I started this assignment last Wednesday and completed it the today. With this essay it actually took up time  to gather the proper sources and to do all the research that was needed. Finding my outside sources and materials I used the internet and some books. The hardest part of the essay was forming the proper structure of the essay. You have to read all of your sources and decide what information is useful toward the reason of the essay which is horror movie genre of the Twilight vampires.  I had to keep reading the classical rhetoric argument model/ structure to keep me on the right track. You have to comprehend to what you read instead of reading a passage and assuming and still not understanding it. While I was preparing my paper I found myself often reading back over the material and contradicting myself on what goes where.  After I was finished writing out my paper, I had my sister to proofread it and ask her for her opinion. I came to MCC writing lab and also ask for help. I am not familiar with MLA style nor paragraph indention. So this was a task that I struggled with. On the next writing assignment I would like to have discovered my weakness  of being confused of gathering up information. I would like to have more resources so I can evaluate them and chose which one could be useful other than rushing and not fully understanding the complete assignment. I would like to know my target and stay at a pace so I wouldn’t have to rush.  The only thing I would do the same about completing an essay is going to the writing lab and asking for help. The only advice I would have for someone completing an essay report is research and gather many of sources, justify your information, and make sure you understand what kind of report you are writing so you won’t drift off track. Finally, never wait till the last minute to  start an essay. Start as soon as possible so you can allow yourself more time to identify and gather all of your information properly.